Michael Jackson, Usher, Justin Timberlake, Stevie Wonder, Chris Brown. those are the people who inspired him to sing.
Nobody knows his personal phone number i dont think.
im a huge fan too but im not obsessed. i know his personal facebook account, but that's just because a friend told me. hope this helps((:
wow guys, you're cool.
half of you can't even spell, so learn please.
and if you are haters why did you even bother to read/answer the question.
obviously your opion in music is different, WHO CARES! she likes him and she has the right to, so GROW UP!SERIOUS JUSTIN BIEBER QUESTIONS!!! ANSWER SOON!!!?
if you are really a fan of his, you should know that you wont ever get his number.He doesn't give out his number to fans so he can have millions of calls. Only his friends and family have that.
justin bieber is gay....Take intrest in proper music...oh and btw I found his bf cheating on him....http://img2.timeinc.net/ew/dynamic/imgs/鈥?/a>SERIOUS JUSTIN BIEBER QUESTIONS!!! ANSWER SOON!!!?
1. Stalking is illegal.
2. He's a gay fish.
3. 1-800-JustinBieberIsGay.
Y the he'll would we no a **** like Justin biebers phone number u need to listen to real music
more grown up and GOOD
he is an insult to michael jackson who he said inspired him
he dosent have a phone
he only has a walkie talkie with a 100 foot range to talk to usher
i doubt people on the internet would know unless it's people he actually know.. u can try mailing to his address though. teen magazines might have info like that
He said on a interview he was inspired by Michael Jackson... And i can see why cuase he copies hes moves
He said that he admires Michael Jackson in almost all of his interviews...
Seek help....
keep dreamin'
are u dreaming
I call him JUSTIN BUT HOLE. But whatever his name is i don't care about him. Hes a peice of crap!
by the way my whole school calls him that.
Oh dear God...what's the world come too?
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