Thursday, February 9, 2012

Whoever knows a lot about Justin Bieber please help?!?

Well you guys know Justin Bieber? The youtube kid.鈥?/a> who sang that song one time. But anyways, so does Justin Bieber answer his phone to fans?! Because my friend said she 'supposley' has him real cell phone number and she called him with her other friend (my bff) and my best friend is like a super big fan so she just ran away because she didn't know what to say...but she said she knew it was him, it sounded exactly like him, I don't think he would do that?! I HIGHLY doubt he pick up his phone to fans ya know?? What do you guys think...oh and does he have an AIM? My best friend has his AIM but I don't think it's him either? He's like on AIM all the time and he's probably always doing something.Whoever knows a lot about Justin Bieber please help?!?
whats his aim.? and fone number.? Iwould like LOVE 鈾?you if you tld meWhoever knows a lot about Justin Bieber please help?!?
i dOubt ittt

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